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The Missives

I’ve got five kids, I’m a queer feminist, and I just might be the only life coach in the world who doesn’t believe in the Law of Attraction.

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I’ve got five kids, I’m a queer feminist, and I just might be the only life coach in the world who doesn’t believe in the Law of Attraction.

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In defense of sparklebrains, artistic flakes, and other interesting people


*Be The Change

Hello, darlings, I’m writing you from the world’s most adorable AirBnB, where Nick and I have snuck away for a few days of couple time. Yes I’m writing you from my retreat, because sometimes you get inspired and need to say things. But this is key: when I’m done typing this, I’ll put my laptop AWAY […]

How I Stay On Top Of My Busy Life (Or: “Lessons Learned The Hard Way”)


*Queen Sweep

Hello, darlings, I’m writing to you from the world’s most adorable AirBnB, where Nick and I have snuck away for a few days of couple time. Yes I’m writing to you from my retreat, because sometimes you get inspired and need to say things. But this is key: when I’m done typing this, I’ll put […]


Ah, solstice


*My Story

We are well and truly snowed in here. The woods are gleaming with a deep winter magic. It feels so wonderfully appropriate for winter solstice, that time when we burrow down deepest into the darkness. (And? It also means all sorts of logistical conundrums and waylaid plans and lots and lots of wet socks!) This […]

How To Manage The Holidays With Your Beautiful New Family



Congratulations! You have a beautiful new family! Maybe that means you married your love and together you now have a whole passel of kids. Or maybe you just moved in with your significant other and got a new puppy. Maybe an elderly relative or a younger sibling have joined your household. Maybe you’re celebrating for […]

I think you need a Brambly Hedge evening


*Secret Mystics

Dearheart, I think you need a Brambly Hedge evening. Which is to say that I very much needed a Brambly Hedge evening. You see, I am still and always and STILL trying to figure out how to be a gooey tender person in this world, get all the things done that require doing, and not […]

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epic fucking badass

life is beautiful

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I write things for women with big, gorgeous, COMPLICATED lives. I help women become epic fucking badasses… but I still retain my right to cry at every diaper commercial ever made.

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follow @katherine_north_saltspring



Sustenance for the journey -- notes from a fellow
traveler to remind you of your own magic.