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I’ve got five kids, I’m a queer feminist, and I just might be the only life coach in the world who doesn’t believe in the Law of Attraction.

Hi, I'm katherine


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Getting bigger

Life Is Hard

It’s been a glorious two weeks.

We’ve had puking, and presents, and turkey.  We’ve had confetti and tears and balloons.  Tantrums, stars, stories, and snowflakes.  Also headaches and airplanes and orgasms and big feelings and laughter and that thing where you teeter between snorting with maniacal laughter or falling down to your knees with sobs and you can’t decide which so it stops up your chest for a moment and you just gasp. We’ve also done inordinate amounts of laundry and dishes and email. Toasts and candles and therapy and bills and diapers. One emergency room run. Dance parties and kissing and light sabers and mermaid gloves. Presents and cleaning up. Big feelings and snake shit and sweetness and ice storms.

It’s waaaaay more than I can handle. And I loved every goddamn minute of it.

Which is always how life is, isn’t it???

Just on the edge of what we can deal with. Just a little bit too much. So much that we just can’t even.

But then we do.

We stretch bigger. We get stronger. We laugh louder. Our joy gets huger. It’s not always easy, but it grows us into who we wanted to be and it turns out life can be richer and more mysterious than we ever anticipated and the whole beautiful messy process is glorious.

For me, this is a season of stretching into a larger version of myself. I know it is for some of you, too. Some of my clients and friends are handling things bigger than they ever thought they could. Sometimes it’s the big roller coaster swoop of joy: the terrifying jolt of getting something better than what you dreamed of. Sometimes it’s the sick lurch of falling, the thud of despair or the long silent walk of grief. Sometimes it’s just the relentless muchness of All The Things.

It’s too much for us to handle. It’s too big! Too loud! Too intense! Too overwhelming! Too hard!

We’re just humans! We can’t deal with this life business!!!

But then we do.

We do the things we thought we couldn’t. We are braver than we thought we could be.

I mean– not always. Sometimes we’re stupider than we thought we could be. Sometimes we really bollocks things up, let’s be honest.


You guys, it’s LIFE. It’s a fucking mess. It’s exhausting. It will break your heart. And it’s beautiful. After it breaks your heart with sorrow, it will break it again with beauty. And then it will  make you laugh so hard you pee your pants a little.

There’s no formula. There’re no instructions. So we keep making it up. And we keep stretching bigger because that bigness of joy is our fucking birthright.

It’s just what we do.

And as long as we’re going to do it, we might as well do it like epic fucking badasses.

So go out and get a little bigger today. I can’t wait to hear about it.

much love,



Just 7 minutes, because you're absurdly busy. 7 minutes to clear your mind and refresh your spirit. 7 minutes to thank your fierce tender holy sacred tired body. 7 minutes that'll leave you centered, grounded, & clear-- like the epic fucking badass you are.

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take 7 minutes for your heart

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I’ve got five kids, I’m a queer feminist, and I just might be the only life coach in the world who doesn’t believe in the Law of Attraction.

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I write things for women with big, gorgeous, COMPLICATED lives. I help women become epic fucking badasses… but I still retain my right to cry at every diaper commercial ever made.

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follow @katherine_north_saltspring



Sustenance for the journey -- notes from a fellow
traveler to remind you of your own magic.