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I’ve got five kids, I’m a queer feminist, and I just might be the only life coach in the world who doesn’t believe in the Law of Attraction.

Hi, I'm katherine


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When our hearts break


I was in the midst of writing this note to you when I heard about the shootings in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

I was writing a zippy, useful list of ways to proactively set up your year for 2013.

Maybe I’ll send that to you next week.

Today I am sitting with the unbearable fact that everything we love can be shattered in an instant.

And how senseless violence is.

As the mother of a six-year-old girl, I am way too close to this tragedy to have anything useful to say at this point.

But my wise friend and master coach Martha Atkins is a researcher on death and grief, and she just posted a piece on how to talk to young children about death.  I think it might be useful to you today.

Here it is:

I know we will all hug our children tighter tonight.  Even in shock, even knowing it can all be taken away, I want to keep loving.

I don’t know if I can find my way to peace today, but the fierce maternal lion in me is roaring.  Today love feels like fury.

Our hearts, broken wide open, are the horror but also the beauty of our humanity.

Just 7 minutes, because you're absurdly busy. 7 minutes to clear your mind and refresh your spirit. 7 minutes to thank your fierce tender holy sacred tired body. 7 minutes that'll leave you centered, grounded, & clear-- like the epic fucking badass you are.

a free grounding meditation

take 7 minutes for your heart

& come home to yourself

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I’ve got five kids, I’m a queer feminist, and I just might be the only life coach in the world who doesn’t believe in the Law of Attraction.

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I write things for women with big, gorgeous, COMPLICATED lives. I help women become epic fucking badasses… but I still retain my right to cry at every diaper commercial ever made.

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follow @katherine_north_saltspring



Sustenance for the journey -- notes from a fellow
traveler to remind you of your own magic.