I’m trying something totally new.
I have an idea for a brand new programand I’m over the moon about it, because it’sthe very thing that I havecraved the mostfor myself and for you this past year. (Which is how all my best programs and groups are born!) But instead of taking weeks to make it in a vacuum and then selling it to you, wondering if it’s what you actually want too or if it was just a bit of brain glitter, I want to try a more collaborative approach, sort of along the lines of a kickstarter campaign.
Basically, I’m going to tell you what it is and who it’s for, and if you want in on it, you’ll claim your space with a deposit. If we reach critical mass, I’ll craft it and create it and lead it and run it with glee! And if we don’t reach critical mass, you’ll just get your deposit back!
Here’s my new love child, sprung from my heart. It feels like a powerful elixir to restore us after a tough season.
~Fierce And Tender: An Intimate Circle To Dissolve Stuckness~
I have discovered the strangest paradox in my life: that to do the bravest, boldest, fiercest, most fearless-looking things OUT in the world, I require immense tenderness and gentleness and comfort down IN my insides.
This is new.
I used to be able to muscle through. And now I really just can’t, not in the same way.
It might be personal; maybe it’s about being older; but I think it’s something bigger than that– something to do with the way our collective energy is shifting.
Most women I know have been muscling through for DECADES now, and some part of us is just done.
Over it.
Just can’t even.
Gives no fucks.
This is tricky, because our lives require us to give many fucks still– to go to work, to take care of the kids, to do oh so many things.
And then there’s the deeper things we YEARN to do– the art we want to make, the volunteer work we want to do, the books we want to write, the paintings and songs and businesses that claw at our insides, the places we want to stand up and be brave– it’s too easy to let them slide away under the great garbage tide of too-muchness.
Just pushing harder doesn’t work any more.
This is a terrible, terrible truth and I really hate it too.
Because how the hell else are we supposed to get anything done???
I have an inkling. Okay more than an inkling, a practice I have been practicing sort of in secret for a while now. I have alluded to it in these missives: comforting the scared child in you, the love practice that is bigger than gratitude, some deeply tender private rituals. But I’ve never put it together and shared it all at once because– well, I don’t know why.
But now it is pressing out of me saying “Let’s do this with the kindred spirits! Now is the moment!”
I don’t want to create a big glitzy flashy launch to wow you with my new idea. I want to whisper it in your ear, and if you know that it’s for you, and you trust me,come with me into the woods and let’s work some magic together.
I’m dreaming up a 7-week journey, with live group coaching each week, guided meditations, a tiny but potent daily practice, and something tangible to do each week that will take no more than 30 minutes.
We’ll have weekly group coaching calls, scattered throughout the week on different days and at different times so that as many people can join them as possible.In addition, each participant will get one private coaching session with me.(Gentle reminder: you can’t buy single sessions with me, except as a Crisis Call, and they’re $1,000!)
But here’s the thing…the first five people to sign up get not one but TWO private calls with me. **Update: three ONE left!**
SO if this calls to you,go claim your spot right now.
You can pay in full, or you can put down a $500 deposit and pay the rest off in two-week increments.
Dearheart, I hope you’ll do this with me! It has a fresh bright urgency in my soul and I believe that that’s because there’s a fresh bright urgency in your soul that is ready to be birthed, too.I’m giving you ONE week to tell me if you want in on this— doors close and our experiment ends Thursday, March 7th, at 2pm Pacific/ 4pm Eastern.