OH. MY. WORD. Our dream of making a documentary called Just Another Beautiful Family is coming TRUE!!!
You guys.
We got a grant.
To make this:
It will be called Just Another Beautiful Family.
And it’s all because of you and your support and your votes for our Storyhive pitch!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Thankyouthankyouyouguysaretheb
I am so full of gratitude and love for you that I don’t have anything smart and witty to say AT ALL. You have made me speechless. Guys.
We are going to tell this story as best as we can in the most useful way we can. There are a few kids we have in mind and we love them and they are our guiding lights. We will tell the story that might help YYY. That’s our goal.
Thank you so much for helping us make this happen.
Thank you for reading.
Thank you for caring.
Thank you for signing up for the programs and private coaching that allow me to take care of my family. It’s because of you brave kind and badass women of valor and glory that I get the privilege of living this life and telling this love story. My goal is that telling our story will make life a little less scary for people just like my beloved husband. Because I would give anything to go back in time and insert our story into his life. Shaping the future sometimes feels like going back and reshaping the past in some weird cosmic time loop. I couldn’t be more grateful.
I am so excited to tell the story of our own family– just another beautiful family– because EVERY family is a beautiful family.
We are full of thanks and and and and also ohmyheavens HOLY SHIT NOW WE HAVE TO MAKE A DOCUMENTARY. I can guarantee there’ll be one hell of a red carpet.
We’ll keep you posted.
much love,
P.S. Edited to add: WE MADE IT!!! It’s right here!!!