Are you having a good summer??? I am! Here’s a sneak peek at what I’ve been up to.
Before I went to the ocean, I went to Calgary to see an amazing photographer named Nikki MacArthur, who runs EpicDanger photography.
She happens to be one of the shiniest human beings I’ve ever met. Witness exhibit A, to the right there. And that’s even though she’s pregnant with her fourth kid. I got tired just looking at her.
She kept laughing at me. “Life’s just not that hard,” she kept saying. Which was, you know, a little humbling.
We did a photo shoot one evening, just as the sun was going down and the mosquitos were coming out, and it was ridiculously dreamy. A fawn even came to hang out with us, for crying out loud.
You’ll see the new photos on my website in a few weeks, but perhaps in the meantime you’d like a sneak peek?
Nikki wrote an amazing post about our visit, which I clearly bribed her to do, there’s no other explanation for it. I must have forgotten the part where I’m supposed to go back with two hefty duffel bags of cash.
For your reading and viewing pleasure: Nikki’s post, in which she says ridiculously nice things.
Incidentally, it’s a testament to Nikki’s prowess that all the photos didn’t look like this:
And also quite amazing that I still love her even though she told me that my photos are “Horrible, just HORRIBLE!”
And that she finally got me on Instagram. (Wanna play? I’m here.) I posted a picture of a horse with a dandelion in its mouth. I’m pretty sure my life is complete.
Also, I’m sorry to say this, Portland, but I had the best steak I’ve ever eaten in Calgary. Please don’t come after me.
I’ll return next week with something useful to say, but in the meantime, I hope your summer is so, so dreamy. Me, I’m still at the coast, but I’ll be back soon!
much love,